Two Killer Steps for Improving Factory Efficiency

To cure the illness first step is to identify the diseases. The same way to improve the factory efficiency. First Step is if the factory efficiency is not measured, it must measure immediately. IE department will do it line-wise.
Efficiency,Factory Efficiency,IE,Efficiency calculation

After measuring efficiency, the Second Step is measuring off-standard time (non-productive time) when the standard time is not utilized.

The data from these two steps will help to analyze the root cause and will help to apply fixes to get improved efficiency.

Some Facts related to efficiency

Have to speed up line setup time. You can build up a new style (model) line faster if your supervisors, machine operators, and industrial engineers are ready in advance.

Have to carry out advanced line planning, notifying line supervisors and the production coordinator of the new style loading date, order quantity, production running length, and the production volume for each line. Then all will be concerned to get a better result.

Capture lost time hours and turned them into standard time using on-standard hours.

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