What is Standard Time in Garments Industry? Reduction Process of Standard Time (SAM) in Garment?

In industrial engineering, the standard time is the time required by an average skilled operator, working at a typical pace, to execute a specific activity using a prescribed method. There are allowances for the person to recover from weariness, as well as an extra allowance to cover unobserved but possible contingencies.

What is Standard Time,Standard Time in Garments Industry,Reduction Process of Standard Time (SAM) in Garment?,SAM,What is SAM

Standard time is equal to the sum of regular time and any applicable allowances. Normal time is equal to the average time multiplied by the rating factor.

The formula for standard time is

Standard time = Normal Time +Allowance

Where, Normal time =Avg time × Rating Factor

The standard time of a garment is calculated using PMTS data or through time study method. It also called SAM.

Reduce Standard Time (SAM) of a Garment

Standard time is very much important to make garment costing and to determine factory overall efficiency. The shorter standard time means lower direct labor costs and higher labor productivity.

In the following we mentioned two important points to reduce Standard Time.

1. Using Automated Sewing Machine. 
Most of the garment factory in the world run their factory by manual or semi manual machineries. But in current technology, there are some way to install automated sewing machine in most of the operation. In automated sewing machine allowance time can be removed. As a result the standard time will reduce.

2. Method improvement

All motions in an operation cycle are included in the calculation of Standard Time.
The typical time of the operation will be reduced if you can eliminate some of the motions from the operation cycle.
If you are able to reduce the standard time for some of the operations in a style, the standard time for the garment will be reduced as a result of the reduction.

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