What are Operations Breakdown in Garment Industry and its Application

What is operation breakdown?
A breakdown is a list of the elements that comprise the content of a job. A garment is made up of many different parts and a number of different activities. When you break down a garment, you are writing down all of the parts and all of the processes/operations one after another, lying with the whole garment and following the process sequence. It is mandatory to record the estimated SMV as well as the type of machine besides every process.

What are Operations Breakdown,Operations Breakdownin Garment Industry and its Application

An operation breakdown includes information like:

Operations involving sewing and non-sewing
The names of the equipment that will be used to perform the relevant procedures
Estimated time required to complete each operation for a single unit

One sample operation breakdown is shown in the below image.

Operations Breakdown,Garments Operations Breakdown

In some contexts, the garment operation bulletin is referred to as the operation breakdown.

Application  of operation breakdown

To compile a list of all of the sewing machines and other equipment needed for the garment.
The first step in creating an operation bulletin is to break down the sample garment into its many operations. It contributes to the creation of a complete operation bulletin.
A breakdown of the new style operation is followed by line supervisors and industrial engineers in order to set up a new style operation line.
The operation breakdown of a garment is carried out in order to comprehend garment construction methods.
Operation breakdown helps to develop the process. To develop any process, the primary step is to break down the process.

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